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The Core of Everyday Life is a Christian devotional book and journal filled with stories, biblical references and ways to apply knowledge of God each day. A daily word of encouragement is medicinal hope, which builds strength within us each day. Because each day bring forth new experiences, these devotions will provide encouragement in many forms including scriptures, stories, poetry, love letters, declarative statements, prayers and informative text all tied to the knowledge of God.


Are you seeking changes in your life and answers from God? Do you struggle with letting go of past mistakes and burdens? Is it difficult for you to forgive? Do you want peace and joy, but struggle to find it? Are you willing to connect with God each day? It’s time to get spiritually fit and exercise your core.


Autographed Copy of The Core of Everyday Life

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  • Autographed copy of The Core of Everyday Life.

    Paperback Copy

    Page Count: 730 pages

    The Core of Everyday Life is a Christian devotional book and journal.  You will receive the opportunity to get intentional with your spiritual journey through Dr. Candus’ Ex-E-R-C-I-S-E model, daily journaling and adhering to tips provided to help you apply knowledge of God each day.



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